Creating Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
You can find here the guide:
- how to create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 (ARO) cluster,
- how to setup connectivity to the new ARO cluster,
- how to deploy an example application.
Create Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 (ARO) cluster
Prepare environment
Set the correct subsription:
az account set -s TestingSubscription
The file .env contains variables used in many places here to avoid typo bugs:
source .envrc
Create a new resource group:
az group create \
--location $LOCATION
To by able to deploy ARO, these providers must be registeted:
# Register the Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift resource provider:
az provider register -n Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift --wait
# Register the Microsoft.Compute resource provider:
az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute --wait
# Register the Microsoft.Storage resource provider:
az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage --wait
# Register the Microsoft.Authorization resource provider:
az provider register -n Microsoft.Authorization --wait
It will be created 2 subnets inside aro-vnet:
- master-subnet
- worker-subnet
Network Name | Network Address | Usable Host Range | Broadcast Address |
aro-vnet | | - | |
master-subnet | | - | |
worker-subnet | | - | |
The ARO requires a special subnet for worker and master nodes, so create a new vnet first:
az network vnet create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--name aro-vnet \
Create subnet for master nodes:
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--vnet-name aro-vnet \
--name master-subnet \
--address-prefixes \
--service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
Create subnet for worker nodes:
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--vnet-name aro-vnet \
--name worker-subnet \
--address-prefixes \
--service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
Disable subnet private endpoint policies on the master subnet. This is required for the service to be able to connect to and manage the cluster:
az network vnet subnet update \
--name master-subnet \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--vnet-name aro-vnet \
--disable-private-link-service-network-policies true
Setup permissions
Create a new service principal (AAD role owner reqiured):
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "${PREFIX}arosp" --skip-assignment
Take appId and password and set it:
Obtain the full registry ID and VNETID for adding roles:
ACR_REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query id --output tsv)
VNETID=$(az network vnet show -g $RESOURCEGROUP --name aro-vnet --query id -o tsv)
Assign role to service principal (AAD role Owner required):
# Assign SP Permission to VNET
az role assignment create --assignee $APPID --scope $VNETID --role "Network Contributor"
# Assign SP Permission to ACR
az role assignment create --assignee $APPID --scope $ACR_REGISTRY_ID --role acrpull
Creating Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster
All command before were just preparing for ARO deployment:
az aro create \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--name $CLUSTER \
--vnet aro-vnet \
--master-subnet master-subnet \
--worker-subnet worker-subnet \
--client-id $APPID \
--client-secret $PASSWORD
Image pull secrets
Kubernetes uses an image pull secret to store information needed to authenticate to your registry. To create the pull secret for an Azure container registry, you provide the service principal ID, password, and the registry URL.
Create an image pull secret with the following kubectl command:
oc create secret docker-registry acr-secret \
--namespace test \
--docker-server=$ \
--docker-username=$APPID \
Tip for copy existing secret from another namespace to default namespace:
oc get secret acr-secret --namespace=test -o yaml | grep -v '^\s*namespace:\s' | oc apply --namespace=default -f -
Once you’ve created the image pull secret, you can use it to create Kubernetes pods and deployments. Provide the name of the secret under imagePullSecrets in the deployment file. For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-awesome-app-pod
namespace: awesomeapps
- name: main-app-container
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: acr-secret
Securing ARO
Create NSG and assign to aro-vnet:
# Create NSG
az network nsg create -g $RESOURCEGROUP -n "aro-nsg"
# Assing it to master-subnet
az network vnet subnet update -g $RESOURCEGROUP -n master-subnet --vnet-name aro-vnet --network-security-group "aro-nsg"
# Assign it to worker-subnet
az network vnet subnet update -g $RESOURCEGROUP -n worker-subnet --vnet-name aro-vnet --network-security-group "aro-nsg"
Create NSG rule for API server:
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "apiserver_in" --priority 101 \
--source-address-prefixes "$CURRENT_IP" \
--destination-port-ranges '6443' \
--destination-address-prefixes "" --access Allow \
--description "API Server IN."
Setup inbound rules:
# Take ingress ip from ARO create stdout result:
#"ingressProfiles": [
# {
# "ip": "",
# "name": "default",
# "visibility": "Public"
# }
# ],
INGRESS_IP=$(az aro show \
--name $CLUSTER \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--query "ingressProfiles[0].ip" -o tsv)
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "ingress-443" --priority 501 \
--source-address-prefixes "$CURRENT_IP" \
--destination-port-ranges '443' \
--destination-address-prefixes "$INGRESS_IP" --access Allow \
--description "Ingress Allow IN."
Setup outbound rules (All outbound traffic is enabled by default):
# Allow ntp outbound
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "OUT-ALLOW-NTP" \
--priority 300 --source-address-prefixes "" "" --destination-address-prefixes "Internet" \
--destination-port-ranges '123' --direction Outbound --access Allow --protocol Udp --description "NTP"
# Allow https outbound
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "OUT-ALLOW-HTTPS" \
--priority 301 --source-address-prefixes "" "" --destination-address-prefixes "Internet" \
--destination-port-ranges '443' --direction Outbound --access Allow --protocol Tcp --description "HTTPS"
# Allow dns tcp outbound
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "OUT-ALLOW-DNS-TCP" \
--priority 302 --source-address-prefixes "" "" --destination-address-prefixes "Internet" \
--destination-port-ranges '53' --direction Outbound --access Allow --protocol Tcp --description "DNS TCP"
# Alow dns udp outbound
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "OUT-ALLOW-DNS-UDP" \
--priority 303 --source-address-prefixes "" "" --destination-address-prefixes "Internet" \
--destination-port-ranges '53' --direction Outbound --access Allow --protocol Udp --description "DNS Udp"
# Allow intra vnet communication
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "OUT-ALLOW-ARO-VNET" --priority 400 \
--source-address-prefixes "" "" \
--destination-port-ranges '*' --direction Outbound \
--destination-address-prefixes "" "" --access Allow \
--description "Intra vnet communication."
# Default deny all outbound traffic
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "OUT-DENY-ALL" --priority 4096 \
--source-address-prefixes "*" \
--destination-port-ranges '*' --direction Outbound \
--destination-address-prefixes "*" --access Deny \
--description "Deny outbound."
Setup connectivity to ARO cluster
Set connectivity to Azure:
az login # follow instructions
# List of subscriptions
az account list -o table
# Select TestingSubscription
az account set -s TestingSubscription
Access to OpenShift Web Console
source .envrc
# The simple way
az aro list-credentials \
--name $CLUSTER \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP
The following example output shows what the password will be in kubeadminPassword:
"kubeadminPassword": "<generated password>",
"kubeadminUsername": "kubeadmin"
You can find the cluster console URL by running the following command, which will look like this:
az aro show \
--name $CLUSTER \
--resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP \
--query "consoleProfile.url" -o tsv
Once you’re logged into the OpenShift Web Console, click on the ? on the top right and then on Command Line Tools. Download the release appropriate to your machine.
You can download client tools here:
or directly from WEB Console:
Connect with CLI Tools
Open current user profile (right upper corner) and click on “Copy Login Command”:
oc get nodes
Deploying an example application
Deploying to OpenShift:
# Create namespace
oc create namespace test
# Deploy apps
oc apply -f example.yaml --namespace test
Setting access to deployed app:
# Retrieve your IP public address using curl
# Retrieve your IP public address using dig
CURRENT_IP=$(dig ANY +short)
# or visit and set manually:
# list all running services
oc get services --namespace test
# Save service IP to variable
SERVICE_IP=$(oc get svc voting-app --namespace test -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}')
# Create a rule to enable incoming traffic from load balancer
az network nsg rule create -g $RESOURCEGROUP --nsg-name "aro-nsg" -n "IN-ALLOW-WEB" --priority 600 \
--source-address-prefixes "$CURRENT_IP" \
--destination-port-ranges '80' \
--destination-address-prefixes "$SERVICE_IP" --access Allow \
--description "Intra test application."
Go to:
echo http://$SERVICE_IP