Pavel Sklenar

Spring Security with Radius Login in Spring Boot

In this example, we will secure a home page (/home) with Spring Security using Radius authentication. Technologies used: Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE TinyRadius 1.0.1 Embedded Tomcat 8.5.23 Quick Overview: Create a new base Spring Boot project with required dependencies Create a simple login using Spring Security Create your own RadiusAuthenticationProvider Simple test with a real Radius Server 1. Project Structure Project structure" Project structure 2. Create a new base Spring Boot project We will start with a new project generated by Spring Initializr.

Spring Integration: SFTP Download using Key-Based Authentication

This example will demonstrate how to use Spring Integration for downloading files from a remote SFTP server. Two possible authentications could be used, i.e. public key or password. Technologies used: Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE Spring Integration 5.0.7.RELEASE (managed by Spring Boot) Spring 5.0.8.RELEASE (managed by Spring Boot) Quick overview: Create SFTP Session Factory, i.e. DefaultSftpSessionFactory Create and set up InboundChannelAdapter to regularly check a remote SFTP server for new files Create MessageHandler to process incoming files Project Structure A final project directory structurespring-integration sftp download example

Spring Integration: SFTP Upload Example using Key-Based Authentication

This example will demonstrate how to use Spring Integration for uploading files to a remote SFTP server. You can use both of possible authentication methods, i.e. with a public key or with a password. The real example shows the public key authentication only because it is a more production-ready choice. Technologies used: Spring Boot 2.0.4.RELEASE Spring Integration 5.0.7.RELEASE (managed by Spring Boot) Spring 5.0.8.RELEASE (managed by Spring Boot) Quick overview:

Parallel Processing in Java

This post shows how to implement parallelism in Java using its native java.util.concurrent classes. I mean especially using parallel Fork-Join Framework (available since Java 1.7), which is most suitable for processing of high complex (CPU intensive) tasks. I mean that case when you have one very complex task and you want to use all of your available computing resources to process your single task in the fastest time. The basic idea of the Fork-Join Framework concerns “Divide and Conquer”.

Using JDBC FilteredRowSet - Simple Example

This post shows how to use a FilteredRowSet object. It lets you filter the number of rows that are visible in a RowSet object so that you can work with only the relevant data that you need. You may decide how you want to “filter” the data and apply that filter to a FilteredRowSet object. In other words, the FilteredRowSet object makes visible only the rows of data that fit within the limits you set.

Make Your Device Public Without Any Public IPv4

This post shows how to make any device (running on Windows, MAC OS X, Linux-based systems) visible public (outside of your private or home network), without any public IPv4 address. I mean the state when you are stuck behind a NAT gateway or proxy and also your Internet Service Provider (ISP) did not supply any public IPv4 or IPv6 address to you. The solution is an IPv6 tunneling. Moreover, you will receive a public IP address anywhere you connect your device to any network with this tutorial, no future configuration required, isn’t it attractive for you?